POLL: Who is the United States’ greatest ally?

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There are many countries across the globe that are seen as allies of the United States. At the surface level, they seem to share common values, interests, and objectives. As a result, the U.S. fosters joint efforts in military, economic, and political realms aimed at promoting peace, security, and prosperity with many different nations.

Some notable allies include the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Germany. These partnerships are meant to play a vital role in multinational governance and coordination against countries that have become antagonistic rising powers, such as China, Iran, and Russia. But sometimes alliances can be deceiving or one-sided.

We want to ask you, the reader: who is the United States’ greatest ally? Below is a poll list of the top ten superpowered allies of the U.S. Leave a comment if your choice isn’t listed, or a comment on if one or more of these allies aren’t as friendly as they act or appear to be.

If you cannot see the poll, click here.