POLL: Should Voter ID be federally mandatory in every state?

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On Monday, California filed a lawsuit against the city of Huntington Beach regarding its voter identification law, arguing that the law violates state regulations. California contends that existing robust voter ID requirements adequately safeguard state election integrity. In a separate development, voters in Huntington Beach approved an amendment to the city charter on March 5, potentially paving the way for voter identification and other measures.

According to Ballotpedia in regards to Voter ID by state: As of April 2024, 35 states required voters to present identification in order to vote at the polls on Election Day. Of these states, 24 required voters to present identification containing a photograph, and 11 accepted other forms of identification. The remaining 16 states did not require voters to present identification in order to vote at the polls on Election Day.

Many have argued Voter ID laws should be implemented in every state across the union, while those who lean more left believe they are “discriminatory.”

We want to ask you, the reader: should Voter ID be federally mandatory in every state? Answer in our poll below and leave a comment on a nationally mandated Voter ID initiative.

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