POLL: Should religious symbols/attire be used in fashion?

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Rihanna, the CEO of Fenty and a billionaire singer, sparked significant online discussion on Tuesday by appearing as a provocative nun on the cover of Interview Magazine. She wore a black-and-white habit, the typical attire of devout sisters, but added her personal touch with an unbuttoned blouse revealing her cleavage. Alongside this, she sported baby blue eyeshadow, vibrant red lipstick, and a small black cross tattoo on her left cheek.

The photo shoot has left the internet with a fierce debate. Some argue it’s in the name of fashion, but others believe Christian attire and symbols shouldn’t be used in such provocative fashion or matter. Some even brought up how if Rihanna did this photoshoot with a hijab, Muslims would be furious.

We want to ask you, the reader: should religious symbols/attire be used in fashion? Answer in our poll below and leave a comment on your thoughts on Rihanna’s photo shoot.

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