POLL: Do you support the Democrats’ belief to reform the Second Amendment?

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Over Easter weekend, there were more than 30 people shot in Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson’s Chicago. A handful of them were ultimately fatal.

Many Democrat-run cities’ soft-on-crime policies have been devastating to city communities, including police officers who have to bear the brunt of them. So far, nearly thirty police officers have been killed by criminals in 2024, including NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller.

But then Democrats like Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre use deaths like Diller to push for more gun control and reforms to the Second Amendment.

We want to ask you, the reader: do you support the Democrats’ belief to reform the Second Amendment? Answer in our poll below and comment if you believe ‘the gun’ is the problem, or perhaps the criminal and left-leaning mindset being implemented into American cities.

If you cannot see the poll, click here.