POLL: Do you support Arizona’s revived abortion law?

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This week, Arizona’s highest court upheld an 1864 law prohibiting nearly all abortions, a decision with significant implications for women’s healthcare and political dynamics in a key swing state. The ruling triggered swift and strong reactions. Democrats denounced it as a “stain” on Arizona, warning of risks to women’s lives. Some Republicans, sensing political challenges, also opposed the ruling and urged the Republican-led legislature to repeal the law.

The Arizona Supreme Court’s ruling focused on a law predating Arizona’s statehood. This law prohibits abortion from conception onward, with exceptions only for situations endangering the mother’s life, excluding cases of rape or incest. Physicians found in violation of this law could be subject to fines and imprisonment for two to five years.

This follows former President Donald Trump’s statement a day prior, where he expressed his belief that abortion rights should be determined by individual states, marking his clearest position yet on this sensitive and controversial topic in American politics.

We want to ask you, the reader: do you support Arizona’s revived abortion law? Answer in our poll below and leave a comment on your view of the timing of this decision.

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