POLL: Do you believe OJ Simpson was innocent?

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Yesterday, O.J. Simpson’s family announced that he passed away from prostate cancer at the age of 76. Despite his notable football career and broadcasting work, Simpson’s fame became overshadowed by his highly publicized 1995 trial for the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ron Goldman.

While Simpson was imprisoned for nine years in an unrelated case involving a robbery in Las Vegas, he was never found guilty of the murders and ultimately never served prison time for the crime. Simpson’s trial is frequently dubbed the “trial of the century” due to its global media attention and is renowned as the “most widely publicized” criminal trial in history.

The debate has been going on for decades as to whether Simpson was truly innocent, given all the evidence of the crime. Some believe Simpson was acquitted because it was a means of easing racial tensions that had been bellowing between law enforcement and black Americans in Los Angeles during the 90s. It still remains one of the most polarizing cases to this day.

We want to ask you, the reader, in regards to the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman: do you believe OJ Simpson was innocent? Answer in our poll below and leave a comment on your theory of what truly happened with those murders.

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